Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"

pave_the_earth's pfp

Contacting Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"

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Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"'s Information

Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"'s Bio

the spirit is weak. woe be the spirit. the body is weaker still.
sierra R
any/she if ur a freak
follow if you want. locked for bots etc.
non-zero chance of lewdness
id rather be on cohost

"fucking bless u. your library is great" -some random slsk user
"i see in 35mm"
new bit im trying out. taking credit for xkcd comics

Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"'s Posts

Sierra R, "Botfly Mother" has 4 posts.

Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"

In response to this post

@nora 6 to 8 hour increments


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Sierra R, "Botfly Mother"

@NanoRaptor tripple as standard

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