Toot Uncommon

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Toot Uncommon's Bio

🇺🇸 ♏️ ⛷️ 🎾 ♠️ 🎸 🤘🖖
Practicing intellectual property lawyer since last century ⚖️ Shoulda been a cosmologist 🔭 instead

Posting mainly about the cosmos, the climate, the economy, law, science, tech and music. Used to post about politics, but the supermajority of you are hopelessly lost particulatly on the pinned topics.

is best. Keep it in the family playlist. But my porcelain heart will always be with too.

🙄 is my spirit emoji
All dogs and toddlers love me.

Toot Uncommon's Posts

Toot Uncommon has 6 posts.


Toot Uncommon

Stop calling them “Red States.”

Start calling them “Gilead.”

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Toot Uncommon

🚨 PSA 🚨
Please be aware that every single blessed time you refer to It by Its name,* and be it in a denigrating manner or not, you are in fact promoting and advertising Its worldwide trademarked brand name for free and with Its eternal gratitude, for it is this endless free advertising that helps normalize It and keep It in power. 👏 👏 👏 I, for one, filter It instead.

*as if there remains a single sentient soul on this planet or within 10 light years who doesn’t know what it is already

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Toot Uncommon

Until 2008, of our 2nd Constitution wasn’t ever read to include an individual right to own firearms because this was its original wording in our 1st Constitution:
“[E]very state shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage.” -Sec. VI, Cl. 4 of Articles of Confederation

Tags: #2a

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Toot Uncommon

If you use Democrat as an adjective instead of a noun (which it is) then I automatically can’t take anything you say seriously.

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Toot Uncommon

ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE is a fn stupid cause. Set aside that people have screamed this every election since Lincoln and 0.0 has been done. Set aside too that since a bare majority of states are Red, the Rs would control rewriting the Constitution if this somehow proceeded🤪

Understand this instead: 48 states moronically give ALL their electors to the winner. If they instead split them according to the actual vote totals, as they are free to do, THE EC WOULD ALWAYS MATCH THE POPULAR VOTE!

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Toot Uncommon

In response to this post

@Gargron I just had a professor of journalism full out affirm his unshakable belief that there is a fundamental first amendment right TO SPREAD DISINFORMATION!!! He holds a prestigious chair at a well-known journalism school. THE FOURTH ESTATE IS ALREADY DEAD, FOLKS!


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Toot Uncommon

🚨 PSA 🚨
Please be aware that every single blessed time you refer to It by Its name,* and be it in a denigrating manner or not, you are in fact promoting and advertising Its worldwide trademarked brand name for free and with Its eternal gratitude, for it is this endless free advertising that helps normalize It and keep It in power. 👏 👏 👏 I, for one, filter It instead.

*as if there remains a single sentient soul on this planet or within 10 light years who doesn’t know what it is already

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Toot Uncommon

Stop calling them “Red States.”

Start calling them “Gilead.”

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Toot Uncommon

ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE is a fn stupid cause. Set aside that people have screamed this every election since Lincoln and 0.0 has been done. Set aside too that since a bare majority of states are Red, the Rs would control rewriting the Constitution if this somehow proceeded🤪

Understand this instead: 48 states moronically give ALL their electors to the winner. If they instead split them according to the actual vote totals, as they are free to do, THE EC WOULD ALWAYS MATCH THE POPULAR VOTE!

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Toot Uncommon

If you use Democrat as an adjective instead of a noun (which it is) then I automatically can’t take anything you say seriously.

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Toot Uncommon

Until 2008, of our 2nd Constitution wasn’t ever read to include an individual right to own firearms because this was its original wording in our 1st Constitution:
“[E]very state shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage.” -Sec. VI, Cl. 4 of Articles of Confederation

Tags: #2a

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