
nazokiyoubinbou's pfp

Contacting Nazo

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Nazo's Bio

Big fan of (particularly doing covers of music,) games, and technology. Unfortunately I've been falling out of anime these days (harder and harder to get into things for me) and don't watch much anymore. I'm also a very slight bit of an audiophile (but limited budgets make it hard to be much of one.)

Nazo's Posts

Nazo has 5 posts.


@MostlyHarmless Now that's existential.

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@RealGene @futurebird @john_newall Ah, you're right. I missed that part! Thanks for clarifying.

@nazokiyoubinbou @RealGene @futurebird the journey was long! A summary might help explain or at least entertain...

The footprint is too small for the part (attiny85). Initially I bent the legs and attempted to soldered it down but the hardware was non-functional on powering up. At this point I didn't really know what was wrong. The PCB design was untested and it's my first SMD project.

by John_Newall ;

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@PJ_Evans @futurebird @john_newall I'm still using an old 62/36/2 0.015" diameter solder without a rosin core (the 2% is silver) I got from Radioshack back in the day. Even with fairly crude irons it has been really amazing for even smaller contacts and it seems to stick to just about anything. I bought up a bunch, but it's about to run out and them I'm going to be one sad person.

You can buy rosin separately and just dab it carefully with a q-tip so the entire project is orders of magnitude less messy.

@nazokiyoubinbou @PJ_Evans @futurebird I really struggled with the desoldering. The IC is bad but on the left edge of the image there is a through-hole display that got even more charred. Using lead free solder ups the challenge but a requirement for me.

I think if I had a big chisel tip for my iron I might have done better. I'm also pondering if a cheap hot air reflow station might be worth getting too.

by John_Newall ;

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@futurebird @john_newall But... Like they're too long as-is anyway and could easily be shorter, plus you could just have the one side straight down then only run long leads to the other. Also the scorching makes me wonder if they used a flame instead of a soldering iron.

And and... well, a bunch of things!

@nazokiyoubinbou @john_newall

I suspect the traces on the board are torn up because maybe it was a cheap board and the desoldering didn't go well.

by myrmepropagandist ;

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@john_newall B-but... why???

@nazokiyoubinbou @john_newall

Having been there? Because the legs broke off and you don't want to wait order a new one... or the holes are in the wrong place. And if you need to do this nonsense might as well make it long enough to solider without screaming.

by myrmepropagandist ;

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