M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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Twitter diaspora. Agamemnon sucks: we do the fighting, he gets the girls. (Oregonian. Mediator/lawyer/writer; bylines in The Guardian, Alternet, HuffPost/OffTheBus, more.) He/him.

M.S. Bellows, Jr.'s Posts

M.S. Bellows, Jr. has 14 posts.

M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@ai6yr @heafnerj Careful. Other people might think you're advertising a service.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @heafnerj@mstdn.social

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@ai6yr Crap and good luck.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@ai6yr FuuuUUUUuuck. The entire east side of Laurel Canyon Boulevard, which includes the Canyon Country Store, WC Fields's old house, Houdini's old estate, countless cultural treasures, are now in the Sunset Fire mandatory evacuation zone. And our old apartment is in the very bottom left corner of that red area.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@kellyromanych @ai6yr @gmillikan I'll add: Start a list where you can write down everything that was in your house that has any value, as you remember it. In the middle of the night you'll wake up and go, "oh, fuck, my grandfather's watch! Oh, wait, my old climbing ropes in the garage! The antique picture frame my aunt gave me! Oh, my old 35mm Nikon was in the closet!" Those are things you may not have used regularly but they have value and until you hit your homeowners insurance maximum, it's good to remember and report them. (And, maybe more importantly, just remembering and acknowledging and claiming them will give you something constructive to do with that periodic sense of loss, instead of just letting it kick you in the ass.)

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@ai6yr @amyedge @BakerRL75 Depends on the people.

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@cetan @ai6yr At least it wasn't (checks recipe) Cheddar cheese and anchovies.

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@ai6yr "Adventure"?

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@Gargron Done, even though I actually use Tusky. His idea!

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@matt @ai6yr Definitely #2, but why not both?

@msbellows @matt At least on paper (er...print) that is most certainly against Amazon policy. amazon.com/gp/help/customer/di

by AI6YR Ben ;

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@ai6yr Which is why I won't do it. Hell, I've even left a review commenting negatively that they offered to pay me for a review.

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@kellyromanych @ai6yr I think I'd be watering my roof.

@msbellows we've watered the roof on 4th of July :/ @ai6yr

by KellyAnn Romanych (she/her) ;

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@bhasic @Kierkegaanks @mcnado I didn't read that as racist. I think the argument is that any new excuse for cops to kill Black people should be carefully thought through before implementation.

@msbellows @Kierkegaanks @mcnado I read it as antivax and racist.

by Elon Muksis ;

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

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@Kierkegaanks @mcnado Where's "we"?

@mcnado @msbellows Sweden, but I think all the nordics may have similar experiences

by Kierkegaanks regretfully ;

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M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@kallemp@cr8r.gg @mcnado It's not messed up at all, because masks work even better as a way to prevent infected people from spreading diseases than they do at protecting healthy people from catching them. And when both infected and healthy people are masked, you square (not double) those protections.

I'm 100%* in favor of having deputy health officers with firearms enforcing a law that everyone has to mask in public spaces, especially indoors.

(*Edit: Okay not really 100% but Jesus Christ, thousands and thousands and thousands of people are still dying and becoming seriously disabled from COVID, and while I generally am not a fan of carceral punishment, I absolutely think there should have been some government muscle enforcing mask requirements, including things like shutting down businesses that don't enforce them themselves.)

@mcnado @msbellows We didn’t have mask mandates (except periodically when visting healthcare, and encouraged in public transport), and had overall better outcomes than both the US and UK. Albeit with a low ratio of dumb fascist antivaxxers. A ratio that probably grew lower with time because colloidal silver doesn’t work. Although. Armed enforcers of masks sounds like having a meltdown in a liberal democracy

by Kierkegaanks regretfully ;

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