Contacting mike805
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Developer of https://TheUncloud.co which is the easiest way to chat off the record and transfer large files to anyone. Working on an Android app.
mike805's Posts
mike805 has 2 posts.
@catsalad Seen on video: the natives on Komodo Island fish from small boats, and lay their catch out on the shore. The Komodo Dragons come around sniffing at the fish, thinking about eating them.
The local kids just run out and chase the dragons away like you'd chase a stray cat. The dragon could easily eat the kid whole, but doesn't. Somehow there is an understanding between the natives and the dragons.
Tourists, however, are live bait.
Mentions: @catsalad@infosec.exchange
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@Gargron Maybe put in the app description or notes a list of right and left side Mastodon instances. If people want a red pill instance they are out there.
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