M. Hamzah Khan

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M. Hamzah Khan's Information

M. Hamzah Khan's Bio

Self-proclaimed genius, and ruler of the Internet. System admin the rest of the time.

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M. Hamzah Khan's Posts

M. Hamzah Khan has 3 posts.


M. Hamzah Khan

Hello! I'm Hamzah. I'm a /#devops engineer in my day job. I live in .
I consider myself a hardcore geek, but these days most of my time is taken up by my three kids and wife.

I'm very interested in automation, and have a small addiction to , and .

Tags: #introduction #linux #london #ansible #kubernetes #homeassistant

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M. Hamzah Khan

In response to this post

@nora but I'm already stupid. If i take stupid medication, I don't know what will be left 😞

Mentions: @nora@blob.love

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M. Hamzah Khan

In response to this post

@gsuberland While I agree with some of the criticism, if I'm being pedantic, TrueNAS SCALE was always docker/k8s, so it's not moving from jails to docker/k8s. Though users who will now be forced to move from CORE to SCALE will have to make the move from jails to docker/lxc I guess 😅 (Again, just being pedantic!)

@mhamzahkhan I've spent the past 8 years running TrueNAS CORE and now they've EOL'd it so functionally, yes, they are moving everything to docker/k8s.

by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social

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M. Hamzah Khan

Hello! I'm Hamzah. I'm a /#devops engineer in my day job. I live in .
I consider myself a hardcore geek, but these days most of my time is taken up by my three kids and wife.

I'm very interested in automation, and have a small addiction to , and .

Tags: #introduction #linux #london #ansible #kubernetes #homeassistant

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