Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins
Contacting Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins
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Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins's Information
Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins's Bio
I argue semantics, professionally.
I also swear a lot.
She/her, but they/them is cool.
[avatar image is a middle aged white woman with glasses under pink/purple/blue lighting]
[header is a large sign reading "Stop Casting Porosity"]
Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins's Posts
Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins has 2 posts.
Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins
@stux @Venta These are great but we also need to develop messaging that doesn't say "Protocol" (or "server" or "platform")... These terms are off putting and don't connect with what people are thinking about ("I want to follow Timothee Chalamet!" "I hate seeing racist and sexist posts!" "I don't want ads" etc...)
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Maj - Michele Ann Jenkins
@Venta @stux The "fediverse" is the name for the federated social web -- different platforms which can connect. Just like you used to only be able to send email to another AOL account (if you recall those days!) right now people can only interact with users on the same platform e.g. Facebook. With the fediverse, you can talk between platforms e.g. from Threads to Mastodon and between different Mastodon servers (as well as other services like Flipboard, Ghost, and Pixelfeed). HTH!
@maj @Venta Here are some sites on the subject!
by stux⚡ ;
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