高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

ltlnx's pfp

Contacting 高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao's Information



Inkscape 畫廊




高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao's Bio

普通大學生 / 在 Inkscape 專案各處打滾 / 自由開源、平面設計、音樂愛好者
Ordinary student / Helping everywhere in the Inkscape community / FOSS, graphic design, music lover

Account is protected but follows welcome

嘟文除非另有標示,皆以 CC BY-SA 4.0 釋出
Unless stated otherwise, toots are licensed CC BY-SA 4.0

Pronouns he/him

高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao's Posts

高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao has 4 posts.


高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

自介 / Introduction

[ 中文 / Chinese ]

我是高文偉,網路暱稱 litelinux/ltlnx,台灣人。主要使用中文與英文溝通,目前正在學西班牙文。

興趣廣泛,喜歡彈奏樂器,目前主要是打鼓,曾經常彈 Keyboard,還在學貝斯跟吉他。


同時也喜歡與科技、電腦硬軟體相關的任何東西,使用 Linux 很長一段時間了,常在嘗試各種發行版、桌面環境與軟體。近三年才開始寫程式,主要使用C、C++、Rust 與 Python。目前也是 Inkscape 網頁與程式介面譯者。



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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

[ 英文 / English ]

I'm Wen-Wei Kao, web handle litelinux or ltlnx, from Taiwan. I communicate in Chinese and English, and I'm learning Spanish.

I like to play the drums, keyboard, guitar and instruments in general, and sometimes post song covers and riff ideas. I'm also into typography and graphic design, and sometimes design posters and stuff for various events. Currently I'm learning digital painting and typography skills.


At the same time, I'm interested in anything related to technology, hardware and software. I've been a Linux user since 2013, and settled down with Slackware and KDE as my daily driver. I was learning programming but retracted to writing shell scripts these days. Also I'm involved in Inkscape in general, helping with translation, bug triaging and (occasionally) development. Nice to meet you!

(Updated 20240714)

by 高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao ;

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

In response to this post

At the same time, I'm interested in anything related to technology, hardware and software. I've been a Linux user since 2013, and settled down with Slackware and KDE as my daily driver. I was learning programming but retracted to writing shell scripts these days. Also I'm involved in Inkscape in general, helping with translation, bug triaging and (occasionally) development. Nice to meet you!

(Updated 20240714)

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

In response to this post

@Gargron The design scene is ingrained with the app where I live, so for me it's a sad no.

Mentions: @Gargron@mastodon.social

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

In response to this post

At the same time, I'm interested in anything related to technology, hardware and software. I've been a Linux user since 2013, and settled down with Slackware and KDE as my daily driver. I was learning programming but retracted to writing shell scripts these days. Also I'm involved in Inkscape in general, helping with translation, bug triaging and (occasionally) development. Nice to meet you!

(Updated 20240714)

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

[ 英文 / English ]

I'm Wen-Wei Kao, web handle litelinux or ltlnx, from Taiwan. I communicate in Chinese and English, and I'm learning Spanish.

I like to play the drums, keyboard, guitar and instruments in general, and sometimes post song covers and riff ideas. I'm also into typography and graphic design, and sometimes design posters and stuff for various events. Currently I'm learning digital painting and typography skills.


At the same time, I'm interested in anything related to technology, hardware and software. I've been a Linux user since 2013, and settled down with Slackware and KDE as my daily driver. I was learning programming but retracted to writing shell scripts these days. Also I'm involved in Inkscape in general, helping with translation, bug triaging and (occasionally) development. Nice to meet you!

(Updated 20240714)

by 高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao ;

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Replies: 1

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高文偉 Wen-Wei (ltlnx) Kao

自介 / Introduction

[ 中文 / Chinese ]

我是高文偉,網路暱稱 litelinux/ltlnx,台灣人。主要使用中文與英文溝通,目前正在學西班牙文。

興趣廣泛,喜歡彈奏樂器,目前主要是打鼓,曾經常彈 Keyboard,還在學貝斯跟吉他。


同時也喜歡與科技、電腦硬軟體相關的任何東西,使用 Linux 很長一段時間了,常在嘗試各種發行版、桌面環境與軟體。近三年才開始寫程式,主要使用C、C++、Rust 與 Python。目前也是 Inkscape 網頁與程式介面譯者。



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