Ilkka Tengvall
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Ilkka Tengvall's Bio
FI: Etsin kiinnostavia nörsäjuttuja ja hymyä naamalle. Setämies ikäluokkaa, perheen ruuhkavuodet alkaa olla takana.
I love all tech and follow and toot about such. Especiallly home automation. Open source guy by heart and profession. Engineer by diagnose 😁. Work at Red Hat as hybrid cloud automation SA.
Toots are deleted in 6mo.
#opensource #foss #homeautomation #kotiautomaatio #devops #aiml #k8s #openshift #ansible #iot #edge #running #skiing
Ilkka Tengvall's Posts
Ilkka Tengvall has 1 posts.
Ilkka Tengvall
@catsalad this is for you @rmattila
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