Toni Aittoniemi
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Toni Aittoniemi's Bio
Pirate Politician, Software Developer, MA Musicology
Culture, Math, Sociology, Philosophy, Music, Demoscene, Games, #NAFO, Writing, Disc Golf, Skateboarding.
Not here for snarky comebacks. A slur is not an argument.
Toni Aittoniemi's Posts
Toni Aittoniemi has 10 posts.
Toni Aittoniemi
Here’s a top pin!
My #market-based, publicly underpinned model for determining copyright liability payments in real-time for an information economies with #AI #scraping.
We have a choice of either a healthy #economy where being scraped pays those who produce the best information, or no economy at all where only lies, propaganda & bs are openly visible.
We can avoid creatives hiding their content behind closed doors our of fear of being scraped, but only if we act now!
Tags: #market #ai #scraping #economy
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Toni Aittoniemi
Latvia’s defence minister says we should not think of Russia as the product of Putin, but rather think of Putin as the product of Russia.
There’s great wisdom in that thought.
#russia #latvia #defence #NAFO
Tags: #russia #Latvia #defence #NAFO
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Toni Aittoniemi
Sillä välin kun poliitikot mietti että pitäiskö Putinille sittenkin antaa puolet Ukrainasta, internetin piirretyt koirat on lähettäneet satoja maastoautoja ja tuhansia drooneja sekä muuta elintärkeää siviilivoimin hoidettavissa olevaa kalustoa Ukrainalaisille veljillemme avuksi.
Älä ole Putinin sätkynukke, soita 1-800-NAFO tänään ja auta!
#SlavaUkraini Glory to heroes! #NAFO
Tags: #SlavaUkraini #NAFO
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Toni Aittoniemi
To give a positive note to my usually grim posts about #russia, the closing words of #MikhailZygar’s book: ”War and Punishment” are priceless.
They are, because it’s #decolonial text about Russia written by a russian.
The voice of russians who want the country to end getting high on their own supply of imperial bravado may be muffled, but it still exists.
There are still russians who would make reparations of their past sins against so many peoples.
Spasiba 🙏
Tags: #russia #mikhailzygar #decolonial
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Toni Aittoniemi
@ErikUden Looking from the outside through history, it seems the US supports free trade only when it’s companies are on the receiving end.
In fact, it will try yo use ths IMF and all other levers at it’s disposal to force YOUR country to dismantle all restrictions, to their companies can move in, extract your resources and pay you nothing for it.
However, when their companies are outcompeted, it will stop free trade &
free market, do everything to keep you from winning.
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Toni Aittoniemi
@Shivviness @ChrisMayLA6 You forget the religious impulse. Many people enjoy being subservient to a god. The tech oligarchs are building one for them.
@gimulnautti @Shivviness
Hmmm... maybe?
by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;
@gimulnautti @ChrisMayLA6
A Supreme Intelligence with Elon Musk's values terrifies me
by Andrew ;
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Toni Aittoniemi
@ChrisMayLA6 He already slipped in ”hezbollah” why talking about related issues… It’s full on madness.
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Toni Aittoniemi
Elon Musk & Donald Trump are attacking #europe because they are afraid of us.
They are afraid our values of equality & real freedom will sour their attempts to lie their way into dismantling #democracy in the US by example.
If we’re here, especially the #UK, we offer something similar yet not as corrupt. So they want us fighting between ourselves, with #farright etc, so they can show that we have problems.
They need to make us look bad.
#eu #nato
Tags: #europe #democracy #uk #farright #eu #nato
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Toni Aittoniemi
@BlazarKnight @aral wasn’t talking about those people.
We have poor liberals too here. Sorry my poor American.
@gimulnautti @BlazarKnight @aral we're all precarious around here
by Sally Strange ;
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Toni Aittoniemi
@aral The reality of course is, that if you put people in a precarious enough situation, they’ll so what you want out of fear.
@gimulnautti Yeah, those poor precarious software engineers working in Big Tech with six figure salaries and stock options. One’s heart does bleed for the poor bastards.
by Aral Balkan ;
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Toni Aittoniemi
Here’s a top pin!
My #market-based, publicly underpinned model for determining copyright liability payments in real-time for an information economies with #AI #scraping.
We have a choice of either a healthy #economy where being scraped pays those who produce the best information, or no economy at all where only lies, propaganda & bs are openly visible.
We can avoid creatives hiding their content behind closed doors our of fear of being scraped, but only if we act now!
Tags: #market #ai #scraping #economy
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Toni Aittoniemi
Latvia’s defence minister says we should not think of Russia as the product of Putin, but rather think of Putin as the product of Russia.
There’s great wisdom in that thought.
#russia #latvia #defence #NAFO
Tags: #russia #Latvia #defence #NAFO
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Toni Aittoniemi
Sillä välin kun poliitikot mietti että pitäiskö Putinille sittenkin antaa puolet Ukrainasta, internetin piirretyt koirat on lähettäneet satoja maastoautoja ja tuhansia drooneja sekä muuta elintärkeää siviilivoimin hoidettavissa olevaa kalustoa Ukrainalaisille veljillemme avuksi.
Älä ole Putinin sätkynukke, soita 1-800-NAFO tänään ja auta!
#SlavaUkraini Glory to heroes! #NAFO
Tags: #SlavaUkraini #NAFO
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Toni Aittoniemi
To give a positive note to my usually grim posts about #russia, the closing words of #MikhailZygar’s book: ”War and Punishment” are priceless.
They are, because it’s #decolonial text about Russia written by a russian.
The voice of russians who want the country to end getting high on their own supply of imperial bravado may be muffled, but it still exists.
There are still russians who would make reparations of their past sins against so many peoples.
Spasiba 🙏
Tags: #russia #mikhailzygar #decolonial
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