Federation handle:
Cave Canem
Ehproque has 2 posts.
4 days ago
@ChrisMayLA6 @davidallengreen came to say this: they'll say "lefty lawyers caused that waste, let's stop [whatever's protecting *everyone*]" because that's what tabloids say. Nothing to do with young people.
Mentions: @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us @davidallengreen@mastodon.green
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@catsalad something something that thang
Mentions: @catsalad@infosec.exchange
Ehproque's Posts
Ehproque has 2 posts.
@ChrisMayLA6 @davidallengreen came to say this: they'll say "lefty lawyers caused that waste, let's stop [whatever's protecting *everyone*]" because that's what tabloids say. Nothing to do with young people.
Mentions: @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us @davidallengreen@mastodon.green
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@catsalad something something that thang
Mentions: @catsalad@infosec.exchange
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