Dragon-sided D
Contacting Dragon-sided D
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Dragon-sided D's Information
Dragon-sided D's Bio
Software Engineer by trade, scientist at heart, homeschooler of STEM.
As a kid I learned assembly language so I could make my TRS-80 Space Invaders program run faster. Now I am one of the army of people that make the Internet happen.
"If man chooses oblivion, he can go right on leaving his fate to his political leaders. If he chooses Utopia, he must initiate an enormous education program - immediately, if not sooner."
-R. Buckminster Fuller
Dragon-sided D's Posts
Dragon-sided D has 2 posts.
Dragon-sided D
@nora It's explicitly not *everything*
Only corporate software being used primarily as a way to suck money from consumers as efficiently as possible
Not software written with pride
Mentions: @nora@blob.love
Likes: 0
Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Dragon-sided D
@ErikUden people seem to have forgotten that TrumpCoin already exists frm the last time he was POTUS
Mentions: @ErikUden@mastodon.de
Likes: 0
Replies: 0
Boosts: 0