Blau :floofNom:
Contacting Blau :floofNom:
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Blau :floofNom:'s Bio
Hi! I'm Blau. I'm a creature on the internet and I like computers and video games
Follow requests mostly on for vibe checks, you'll probably pass
FF3~DDwmp3ad A+ C- P++++ T+++ W RLAT a+ cn+++ iwf++ p+
Blau :floofNom:'s Posts
Blau :floofNom: has 5 posts.
Blau :floofNom:
@nora may not be praxis sure but brings some joy to people and that in itself is a good and precious thing
@blaurascon yeah!!
by Nora Reed ;
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Blau :floofNom:
i would like to follow a blog that makes posts about queer history. is there one like that out and about that yall can recommend
(thought brought on by remembering the queer news feeds i followed that i had to unfollow because they were so depressing constantly)
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Blau :floofNom:
re: uspol bitching
like this just tells me that you could have been doing something other than puttering around for four years. you clearly have the capability to go nuts your last month or two. the fuck were you doing the rest of the time
re: uspol bitching
@blaurascon YEP
by Nora Reed ;
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Blau :floofNom:
@nora that one white and red guy in the top left reminds me of a very specific strawberry cream hard candy my grandma used to have and i am happy
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Blau :floofNom:
uspol bitching
love how it's always like 4 years of nothing then a month or two of "do fucking everything"
re: uspol bitching
like this just tells me that you could have been doing something other than puttering around for four years. you clearly have the capability to go nuts your last month or two. the fuck were you doing the rest of the time
by Blau :floofNom: ;
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