Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.'s Information

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.'s Bio

Ph.D. EE, gcc developer, cache protocol hacker (IBM power), space geek, alldogmn.org dog foster, 
 board member, photographer, he/him

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.'s Posts

Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D. has 6 posts.


Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

I'm posting lots of pictures from my work with leechlakelegacy.org today. Mostly to help provide a positive feed of furry creatures today. But we can use donations to help with gas for our transport vans and medical supplies for our wellness clinics. In the first half of 2024 we've transported 966 animals to other rescues & shelters, and provided medical care for 469 owned animals.

Tags: #leechlakelegacy #animalrescue

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

I'm a compiler guy and computer engineer. Decided to join fosstodon because I spent the last 5 years doing gcc ppc support for IBM, though I'm now back doing processor design stuff for IBM POWER. I follow space stuff at a distance. Enjoy mechanical & electronics tinkering. Most posts here will likely be about that, or our foster dogs.

Tags: #introduction

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

In response to this post

@gsuberland Don't even ask the digital logic guy working on CPUs what kind of transistors they are using 😂 ... only the device magic guys really know. I mean, they're FETs of some kind but the geometries have gotten really weird to jam more things in there.

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

In response to this post

@gsuberland I got schooled on this when optimizing an ocean circulation model. Computing the equation of state for sea water was a lot of the total computation... compressibility and salinity, mixing and advecting water packets up and down.

There there’s the bomb people who are like “oh sure let’s compress the plutonium so it becomes a critical mass” .. think about that, that’s not just water it’s a super dense heavy metal.

Anyway yeah, the more you know, the more “it depends” is the answer.

@acsawdey funnily enough the context for this was a shockwave travelling through water, and I didn't even mention water's compressibility (or otherwise) because I was talking about the water as a momentum transfer medium.

by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

In response to this post

@gsuberland @0xabad1dea still easier to track down than templates and inheritance …

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social @0xabad1dea@infosec.exchange

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

In response to this post

@likesoldmacs @ai6yr Heh, that's why they sold those special purpose punches to put the "double sided" hole into SS disks ... they pretty much all worked fine!

Mentions: @likesoldmacs@bitbang.social @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

I'm posting lots of pictures from my work with leechlakelegacy.org today. Mostly to help provide a positive feed of furry creatures today. But we can use donations to help with gas for our transport vans and medical supplies for our wellness clinics. In the first half of 2024 we've transported 966 animals to other rescues & shelters, and provided medical care for 469 owned animals.

Tags: #leechlakelegacy #animalrescue

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Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D.

I'm a compiler guy and computer engineer. Decided to join fosstodon because I spent the last 5 years doing gcc ppc support for IBM, though I'm now back doing processor design stuff for IBM POWER. I follow space stuff at a distance. Enjoy mechanical & electronics tinkering. Most posts here will likely be about that, or our foster dogs.

Tags: #introduction

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