Kit Bashir
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Kit Bashir's Information
Kit Bashir's Bio
Hacker. Parent. Scientist. Rantist. Atheist. Roboticist. Treehugger. (they/them¹).
At Accelerando Lab I research, design and build custom IoT and electronics!
Every day I write a #PowerOnStoryToot over morning coffee, as a self-test of my brain. If you like them, buy me another coffee? (Link 👇)
¹ subject to change without notice 🐣
Kit Bashir's Posts
Kit Bashir has 93 posts.
Kit Bashir
@feorag phwoar check out the multi modal transport
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Kit Bashir
City-busting wildfires in the dead of winter were more than enough to make Californians demand a refund on 2025.
The San Andreas fault becoming---the technical term we use here at SAFOD---"frisky" added insult to injury.
From a background rate of a few minor tremors a week, we started seeing a few an hour, then dozens an hour. Small, but concerning. A bunch of research leads us to believe that thermal instabilities below the seismogenic zone [Wang, Barbot 2020 ¹] can trigger tremors, and that patterns of temporal clustering [Liu, Ross, Cochran, Lapusta 2022 ²] are significant. Location of tremors also clusters, but the locus can be seen [Shelley 2010 ³] to move along the fault at the speed of a cantering horse. What I'm saying is that there is a lot of information content in tremors. But now there's something new.
We were looking at an animation of tremor appearance on Kelly's iPad. Red circles appeared and disappeared indicating quakes, and a "boop" sound whose pitch encoded seismic wave frequency accompanied each quake. It was like a symphony. "It's weird how the tremors are coming in twos and threes, and then a gap" Kelly was saying, "that's a new pattern, its like the fault is sending Morse code". They laughed, then trailed off.
Mish ran with the gag "yeah look, there's two long tremors and a short, Aitch, then two short and a long, You, two long ones that's M, hang on A..N...S. Very funny, Kez, you are messing with me about a serious fucking matter. We're trying to save lives here."
"I'm not messing with you" Kelly insisted, “this is yesterdays seismic data sped up 100 times”.
Mish pulled out a notepad and a pencil. "Go back to to the start". She started scribbling as the train of Boop Blorb Bip representing yesterday's tremors played back.
"Now /you're/ messing with /me/ Kelly insisted". Meanwhile I had my hands in my hair in the international sign for "this cannot be happening".
"Keep going", I instructed hoarsely, barely able to speak as the letters were jotted down
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
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Kit Bashir
@jaystephens traffic merging from 8th Dimension
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Kit Bashir
@RueNahcMohr that’s the daisy chain connection
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Kit Bashir
@josh I forget the name of the feature but i came to the same conclusion when react added it’s Nth “this is the new way to do everything” and i looked at it and went “waitaminnit, you just invented a new name for global variables”
@Unixbigot sounds all too familiar!
by josh :veri: ;
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Kit Bashir
I hadn’t really paid much attention to the gift voucher that my parents sent me for my last birthday. It was one of those prepaid debit card things that’s valid at a number of chain stores. There’s a scratch-off section on the back that reveals the PIN don’t-you-dare-say-number. I’d slipped it into my wallet and kind of forgotten about it.
Came across it today. Looking at the back I see the value ($30, we’re not big on extravagant gifts, my mum knows I’ll happily choose a book or a new item of clothing, whatever I need), the scratch-for-PIN window, an absolute asston of fine print and a second scratch window labeled “household cleaning”. Interesting, dunno what I can get for $30, maybe some windows cleaned. I skip the fine print and scratch…
*BAMF*. A cloud of smoke and an acrid smell. The smoke clears to reveal a figure. Black leather, red skin. Androgynous tending butch. Fucking pitchfork. “Um, hello?”.
“You summoned cleaning?” the figure asks. I’m handed a trash bag and a dustpan. “Get started!”
“Uh, I kind of thought you would do that”
My visitor twirls the pitchfork idly, and tilts it toward me. “Oh no, that’s not how this happens. Get to work!”
Well, this probably counts as something I need.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
@Unixbigot you seriously need to write some of these up as novellas, they're brilliant.
by Kathy Reid ;
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot
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Kit Bashir
@ash I’ll send them round when they’re done here.
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Kit Bashir
I hadn’t really paid much attention to the gift voucher that my parents sent me for my last birthday. It was one of those prepaid debit card things that’s valid at a number of chain stores. There’s a scratch-off section on the back that reveals the PIN don’t-you-dare-say-number. I’d slipped it into my wallet and kind of forgotten about it.
Came across it today. Looking at the back I see the value ($30, we’re not big on extravagant gifts, my mum knows I’ll happily choose a book or a new item of clothing, whatever I need), the scratch-for-PIN window, an absolute asston of fine print and a second scratch window labeled “household cleaning”. Interesting, dunno what I can get for $30, maybe some windows cleaned. I skip the fine print and scratch…
*BAMF*. A cloud of smoke and an acrid smell. The smoke clears to reveal a figure. Black leather, red skin. Androgynous tending butch. Fucking pitchfork. “Um, hello?”.
“You summoned cleaning?” the figure asks. I’m handed a trash bag and a dustpan. “Get started!”
“Uh, I kind of thought you would do that”
My visitor twirls the pitchfork idly, and tilts it toward me. “Oh no, that’s not how this happens. Get to work!”
Well, this probably counts as something I need.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
@Unixbigot you seriously need to write some of these up as novellas, they're brilliant.
by Kathy Reid ;
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot
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Kit Bashir
@futzle it took a long time before i realized that that Other channel wasn’t some sustained attack on Iceland.
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Kit Bashir
@Nikkileah Carl would approve he was a devoted horticulturalist.
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Kit Bashir
I wonder if any of the WWII Axis radio operators who lost the war by using their girlfriends’ names as the “random” message key ever learned of their impact.
ETA: context
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Testing the platforms to see how many #Brisbane people I can find.
@Natalie I drove past the Dalek Government-in-Exile on Tuesday!
ETA: pic
by Kit Bashir ;
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Kit Bashir
“Residents of Chryse Planitia are urged to evacuate immediately…” my handunit was relaying the emergency broadcast “…before the approaching terrastorm cuts off egress. Bring medications and pets but leave household robots…”.
Not on my watch. “Janie, prep the crawler and the cargo pod.” I called. To K7-VA I said “put the word out on the Mesh, K: assemble at the Cenotaph, we’ve got room for every ‘bot in town.”
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot
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Kit Bashir
@leadegroot @Raffzahn The first half of Robert Heinlein’s novel _Friday_ portrays (IMO) a pretty believable post-USA north America.
@Unixbigot @Raffzahn yes, it always springs to mind when i consider a future for the US :(
by Lea de Groot 🇦🇺 ;
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Kit Bashir
@hacks4pancakes at least the NPCs are friendly. <3
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Kit Bashir
@Natalie I drove past the Dalek Government-in-Exile on Tuesday!
ETA: pic
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Kit Bashir
@timonsku “hey, where did Tweety go?”
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