Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂
Contacting Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂
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Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂's Information
Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂's Bio
325 ppm
UP, Mpls, GB, Mad, Chicago
Billonaires are killing us.
You deserve to feel safe from domestic terrorists.
Things are f'd. It's normal for you to have mental health issues.
Retired, gardener, sewing, GrapheneOS, shrooms help PTSD
Mini CV
Theater seamstress
COBOL prog
real estate sec
vet tech
architect asst
ski patroller
Profile pic is a trillium, a 3 petalled flower.
Banner is field of flowers, mostly yellow.
Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂's Posts
Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂 has 1 posts.
Trillium Jones Take Care 🫂
World won't block noaganda or no authority.
I guess people can just change instances.
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