Larry Garfield
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Larry Garfield's Bio
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
Anything worth doing well is worth teaching others to do well.
Author of Thinking Functionally in PHP, now on LeanPub:
Larry Garfield's Posts
Larry Garfield has 3 posts.
Larry Garfield
If you're on here, I assume you are interested in PHP. If you're interested in PHP, you should be interested in functional programming in PHP.
In that case, you should check out "Thinking Functionally in PHP", the most gentle introduction to functional programming you'll ever find, and written in your favorite language! (English, although a Russian version is also available.)
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Larry Garfield
My home town just voted overwhelmingly to adopt #RankedChoiceVoting. It's the first city in Illinois to do so, but I don't expect it to be the last. We've been working on this for 2 years.
Whatever else happens tonight, this feels dammed good.
Tags: #rankedchoicevoting
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Larry Garfield
@nora Free Software, and then some. RMS has been right about everything (software related anyway), which sucks.
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Larry Garfield
My home town just voted overwhelmingly to adopt #RankedChoiceVoting. It's the first city in Illinois to do so, but I don't expect it to be the last. We've been working on this for 2 years.
Whatever else happens tonight, this feels dammed good.
Tags: #rankedchoicevoting
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Larry Garfield
If you're on here, I assume you are interested in PHP. If you're interested in PHP, you should be interested in functional programming in PHP.
In that case, you should check out "Thinking Functionally in PHP", the most gentle introduction to functional programming you'll ever find, and written in your favorite language! (English, although a Russian version is also available.)
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