Lisa Marie ☮️&💜

Copacetic_vibe's pfp

Contacting Lisa Marie ☮️&💜

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Lisa Marie ☮️&💜's Information

Lisa Marie ☮️&💜's Bio

Little old lady who chases storms in her powered wheelchair equipped with roll cage, hail guard and a 400 big block. Kidding, it's a 351c.😎

Lisa Marie ☮️&💜's Posts

Lisa Marie ☮️&💜 has 3 posts.

Lisa Marie ☮️&💜

@ai6yr I thought it was a Ryan Hall Y'all graphic at first. LOL

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Lisa Marie ☮️&💜

This is from NWS. Please be careful and aware. Stay safe.

@Copacetic_vibe I have never seen so many exclamation points in a graphic plus the purple.

by AI6YR Ben ;

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Lisa Marie ☮️&💜

Thunderstorms, some of which may be strong to potentially severe, will be possible across parts of the Southeast today. Please stay weather-aware.   

Tags: #weatherawareday #Weather #wx #spc #theoutpost #severeweather

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