Lisa Marie ☮️&💜
2 weeks ago
Thunderstorms, some of which may be strong to potentially severe, will be possible across parts of the Southeast today. Please stay weather-aware. #WeatherAwareDay #weather #wx #SPC #TheOutPost #SevereWeather
Tags: #weatherawareday #Weather #wx #spc #theoutpost #severeweather
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Sci-Fi Girl
2 years ago
Adding tags to my #Introduction.
(Even if I don't mention it, I've probably still watched it! 😉)
#Fandom #TV:#StarTrek #Stargate #DoctorWho #DarkMatter #LegendsOfTomorrow!!! 💕 #Farscape #TheOutpost #TheExpanse #TheOrville #ResidentAlien #Continuum #Wednesday #GoodOmens #PaperGirls #TheManWhoFellToEarth #HisDarkMaterials #TheRookie #TheRookieFeds #Blindspot #Blacklist #NewAmsterdam
Other #Interests I may boost:#Art #Photography #FolkMusic #News #Politics #Resist #Jewish #Mazeldon
Tags: #introduction #fandom #tv #startrek #stargate #doctorwho #darkmatter #legendsoftomorrow #farscape #theoutpost #theexpanse #theorville #ResidentAlien #continuum #wednesday #goodomens #papergirls #themanwhofelltoearth #HisDarkMaterials #therookie #therookiefeds #blindspot #blacklist #newamsterdam #interests #art #photography #folkmusic #news #politics #resist #jewish #Mazeldon
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