CelloMom On Cars

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Climate-friendly cars that fit the planet and the budget - and the cello
Plus climate news


CelloMom On Cars's Posts

CelloMom On Cars has 4 posts.


CelloMom On Cars

Here's some good news.

You often hear that so-and-so much is "baked in", that is, the world keeps on warming on the already emitted.

"The best available evidence shows that, on the contrary, warming is likely to more or less stop once (CO2) reach zero, meaning humans have the power to choose their future."

A very good explainer:


Tags: #globalwarming #greenhousegases #carbondioxide #emissions #climate #climatechange

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CelloMom On Cars

I'm active at the nexus between climate change, transportation, and social justice;

I write a (sporadic) blog at cellomomcars.com/

I co-moderate a facebook group Global Warming Fact of the Day. Public page: facebook.com/GWFOTD/

I give talks to general audiences about climate solutions;

I advocate for safe walk & bike facilities and public transit in my US town;

I ride a bike because I'm too lazy to walk. And I saw on a cello. Favourite fruit: the mango.

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CelloMom On Cars

In response to this post


That's cool, but the paper is about politicians:

"This article examines which parties are more likely to spread misinformation, by drawing on a comprehensive database of 32M tweets from parliamentarians in 26 countries, spanning 6 years and several election periods.

These results suggest that political misinformation should be understood as part and parcel of the current wave of radical right populism, and its opposition to liberal democratic institution."


Mentions: @stux@mstdn.social

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CelloMom On Cars

In response to this post


You've heard what the recent research says, right? These guys did research on "Misinformation and Radical-Right Populism Across 26 Countries"

"We find that radical-right populism is the strongest determinant for the propensity to spread misinformation. Populism, left-wing populism, and right-wing politics are not linked to the spread of misinformation."


@CelloMomOnCars I had a suspicion 😉

I'm pretty freaking left but I hate when i post something that turns out to be not true so i will correct it right away, let alone spread mis info on purpose...

by stux⚡ ;

Mentions: @stux@mstdn.social

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CelloMom On Cars

Here's some good news.

You often hear that so-and-so much is "baked in", that is, the world keeps on warming on the already emitted.

"The best available evidence shows that, on the contrary, warming is likely to more or less stop once (CO2) reach zero, meaning humans have the power to choose their future."

A very good explainer:


Tags: #globalwarming #greenhousegases #carbondioxide #emissions #climate #climatechange

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CelloMom On Cars

I'm active at the nexus between climate change, transportation, and social justice;

I write a (sporadic) blog at cellomomcars.com/

I co-moderate a facebook group Global Warming Fact of the Day. Public page: facebook.com/GWFOTD/

I give talks to general audiences about climate solutions;

I advocate for safe walk & bike facilities and public transit in my US town;

I ride a bike because I'm too lazy to walk. And I saw on a cello. Favourite fruit: the mango.

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