also lunya now
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i obsess over computer science, trains, aircraft, space exploration and a ton of other stuff
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i obsess over computer science, trains, aircraft, space exploration and a ton of other stuff
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also lunya now has 4 posts.
also lunya now
@sigmasternchen yea same but my email provider is also big enough that i would expect not getting blocked Honestly, I don't think Outlook or Gmail block mail providers outright. With Gmail I think I remember them being quite picky when it comes to SPF, DMARC, etc. And by now I'm convinced the Outlook spam filter is just random - I've had mails from moved to spam.
Blocking smaller mail providers was a thing gmx did if I recall correctly.
by Sigma ;
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also lunya now
@sigmasternchen >it's the fault of people who use Outlook
or, put differently, everone who doesn't use gmail which is a lot of people and i think only a tiny amount of them are keen on hearing explanations about how bad outlook's spam filter is My primary email provider isn't either. And so far I haven't had any real problems.
by Sigma ;
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also lunya now
@sigmasternchen outlook is the reason why i don't selfhost email
congratulations, m$, you killed yet another little part of the open web. Hmm... Honestly, there are better reasons not to selfhost email. From my perspective: It's the fault of people who use Outlook.
Interestingly, from my experience this only seems to effect the free Outlook stuff. Proper Exchange stuff works quite well - at least for business communication.
by Sigma ;
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also lunya now
@ErikUden hey, nach 10 jahre ist da sogar mal ein bisschen fachliteratur drinnen
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