Melancholic Mediocrity :v_bi:
11 months ago
I'm far too fascinated with far too many topics. I've compiled an exhaustive list of hashtags for some of those interests; I'll try to do better about keeping it current and updated.
#ADHD #AdoptDontShop #Antifa #AntiNarcissism #Apatheist #BasicIncome #Bioswales #Bisexual #BLM #BorderCollies #BPD #Cannabis #CatsofMastodon #ClimateChange #Comedy #Compersion #Cooperatives #DadJokes #DBT #Debian #Democracy #Democrat #DemocraticSocialism #Depression #DisposablePeople #DogsofMastodon #EatTheRich #ElderMillenial #Empathy #EndCorporateWelfare #Equality #ExcessiveHashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #FBR #GallowsHumor #History #Humanist #HumanRights #IStandWithUkraine #JusticeMatters #LegalizeIt #LGBTQ+ #LiberalAF #Linux #LoveIsLove #MaskUp #MentalIllness #MutualAid #NonSequiturs #Persist #Polyamory #ProChoice #Progressive #ProudWoke #Puns #Resist #Solidarity #Spaceballs #TwitterMigration #UBI #UnionStrong #USA #USPol #Vaccinated #VoteBlue #VotingRights #WeirdoLib #Weltschmerz #WokeAF #Xennial
Tags: #adhd #adoptdontshop #antifa #antinarcissism #apatheist #basicincome #bioswales #bisexual #blm #bordercollies #bpd #cannabis #catsofmastodon #climatechange #comedy #compersion #cooperatives #dadjokes #dbt #debian #democracy #democrat #democraticsocialism #depression #disposablepeople #dogsofmastodon #eattherich #eldermillenial #empathy #endcorporatewelfare #equality #excessivehashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #fbr #gallowshumor #history #humanist #humanrights #istandwithukraine #JusticeMatters #legalizeit #lgbtq #liberalAF #linux #loveislove #maskup #mentalillness #mutualaid #nonsequiturs #persist #polyamory #prochoice #progressive #proudwoke #puns #resist #solidarity #spaceballs #twittermigration #ubi #unionstrong #usa #uspol #vaccinated #voteblue #votingrights #weirdolib #weltschmerz #wokeaf #xennial
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Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom
2 years ago
I'm in the Fediverse since 2019, but never did an #introduction so far:
I'm a #Linux #sysadmin, digital #forensics expert and #Debian developer. Programming in #Perl and #shell most time.
I insist on a #mechanicalkeyboard.
I like #Citroën #oldtimers (#2CV, #HY, #CX) and the #CityEL. I travel with #motorhome and #Brompton.
I'm going with #BikeToWork and like exotic #bicycle types: #foldingbike, #recumbent and #trike.
I am and always was a #nonsmoker. Have #asthma, though. I am #vaccinated.
Tags: #introduction #linux #sysadmin #forensics #debian #perl #shell #mechanicalkeyboard #oldtimers #2cv #hy #cx #CityEL #motorhome #brompton #biketowork #bicycle #foldingbike #recumbent #trike #nonsmoker #asthma #vaccinated #citroen