@Tony @realman543 @get @PurpCat @Lyx @Soy_Magnus @wollmonster @jeff @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Zergling_man
Realman and Soy were coyote hunting a few months ago.
They were walking along a wash when Soy said, "I have to pee."
Soy went over by some bushes, and a few moments later, Soy let out this awful scream.
Realman ran over to Soy, "What happened?"
Soy said, "A rattlesnake bit me in the privates!" pointing to 🐍
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Nigger_Deluxe 🍕 :blobcattransegg: 🗺
@Twig @Tony @realman543 @get @PurpCat @Soy_Magnus @wollmonster @jeff @1995f976802c5db46c43ce7a838acc913b9f72a9dec835e766fbab08b12067b1 @Economic_Hitman @RexRedbone @Zergling_man i like where this joke is going
by Zergling_man ;
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