transition selfies thread
November. My “ordinary” selfies this month were just surprise after surprise after surprise. How is this me!?
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November. My “ordinary” selfies this month were just surprise after surprise after surprise. How is this me!?
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transition selfies thread
So I decided to just have fun! This is my face now and I can do what I want with it.
And actually having someone to talk to now made such a huge difference in so many ways. Especially when she's one of those few special people you're only ever going to meet a handful of. 🥰
Anyway, that's November, after 15 months of HRT. Lots of puberty happening now, with a not insignificant amount of 40yo silliness on top.
transition selfies thread
December! Sixteen months now, and I'm forced to start microdosing my estradiol to make supplies last longer.
I also had a crisis which cost me a lot of energy, but eventually resolved some pretty significant old trauma, at least sufficiently that I had to rewrite my rules for what's allowed into my life. Previously I only accepted my child and my transition to take space, but now I added rules that says I also need self-acceptance (for the full spectrum of my neurodivergence) and love.
by Jasmine ;
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