transition selfies thread
So I decided to just have fun! This is my face now and I can do what I want with it.
And actually having someone to talk to now made such a huge difference in so many ways. Especially when she's one of those few special people you're only ever going to meet a handful of. 🥰
Anyway, that's November, after 15 months of HRT. Lots of puberty happening now, with a not insignificant amount of 40yo silliness on top.
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transition selfies thread
December! Sixteen months now, and I'm forced to start microdosing my estradiol to make supplies last longer.
I also had a crisis which cost me a lot of energy, but eventually resolved some pretty significant old trauma, at least sufficiently that I had to rewrite my rules for what's allowed into my life. Previously I only accepted my child and my transition to take space, but now I added rules that says I also need self-acceptance (for the full spectrum of my neurodivergence) and love.
transition selfies thread
January! 17 months. After the December crisis, I'm feeling much more myself and even freer now than before.
This transition really has been a long, continuous, heavy work dealing with all the layers of shame I'd wrapped myself up and mummified myself in. By now I'd been transitioning for over two years in total.
Still have to shave daily though. Ugh
by Jasmine ;
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