Published by MCDuncanLab


MCDuncanLab's Post


This is the second flush off of this bucket. Only one bunch, but that's probably because we were out of town. It looks like some of the holes were pinning but the pins died because they didn't get watered.

In the companion bucket, one bunch fruited while we were out of town, but it wasn't too far gone to harvest and dry for soup base.

If you aren't growing mushrooms at home you are totally missing out on yum, fun, and some self-sufficiency.

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@MCDuncanLab I did this on Amazon boxes during the beginning of the pandemic, LOL.


These are growing in cardboard I collected at work, in a bucket I collected at work. It's my little nod to sustainability. We have so much cardboard and brown paper from deliveries and empty buckets once we use up non-hazardous chemicals, it seems criminal not to reuse them somehow.

I also use the cardboard in my garden and have used buckets for pots--but hubs hates the look, so I switched to real pots.

by MCDuncanLab ;


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