Published by AI6YR Ben


AI6YR Ben's Post

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Seriously: Forecast for NOLA here. Curious if they've ever had so much snow (or temps before).

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Hashtags: #snow #lawx


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Ah, forgot... Bourbon Street is a crime scene😢 . Not one soul walking around. Scroll back shows a smattering of people bundled up in everything they own.

@ai6yr 😩

by Anne Ominous ;

Wasn't Bourbon Street weeks ago?
Is this something new?

by zl2tod ;

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Anne Ominous

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seems like no... this is the record for NOLA - 2.7 inches.

hard for me to believe.
if they get 8 inches, they are gonna be paralyzed until it melts.

2.7in. "The one-day record snowfall for New Orleans, Louisiana was recorded on December 31st, 1963"

@rustoleumlove Thanks!

by AI6YR Ben ;


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Anne Ominous

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@ai6yr for temps, yes, they have gotten pretty low.

1 6 °F February 13, 1899
2 7 °F February 12, 1899
3 11 °F December 23, 1989
4 14 °F January 21, 1985
4 14 °F December 25, 1983
4 14 °F January 24, 1963
4 14 °F January 11, 1962
8 15 °F December 24, 1989
.. then a whole bunch of 15's and on and on

last 16 °F or less was on February 5, 1996


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C 🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️

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@ai6yr I once visited in November (2018?) and they'd had a bit of snow and subfreezing temps. It was uncomfortably cold for them then for sure

@BayesForDays @ai6yr Homes in New Orleans tend to be very poorly insulated. It didn’t have to get that cold before it got very uncomfortable when I lived there.

by garland ;


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