Published by stux⚡


stux⚡'s Post

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@philip The overall costs for all services varies from month to month but mostly it's between 1000 - 1300 euros max for everything

Gram and Pixey are a little easier since they only run on their servers

Gram is ~25 euros a month
Pixey is older and has a bigger server and volume, sever is 30 + 25 for the volume per month 😉

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Philip Mallegol-Hansen

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@stux Cool! Thank you for sharing :)

I’m asking for two reasons: As a current Pixey user, I want to chip in, and as one of the admins of, we’ve been talking about setting up a Pixelfed server of our own.

@philip Hosting a pixelfed server is reasonable cheaped compared to Masto for example 😉

by stux⚡ ;


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