Published by stux⚡


stux⚡'s Post

Republicans are so very busy putting blame on everyone regarding the inferno in California while like always totally ignoring the main cause

We are kinda all to blame here for the carelessness we act upon our home planet

The difference is if we acknowledge it and finally start dealing with it otherwise it will only get worse in the future

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Eric Mächler 🖖

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@stux yes an no - this year they had record raining and they emptid all there water reservoir... thats a massiv fuck up from managment....

@emaechler @stux Hi, native Californian here. We had a severe drought this year actually, so wild fires were bound to get out of control

by Phillip ;


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Maybe it's a republican thing 🤔

"Finding the person responsible is the exact same thing as fixing the issue"

Apply-able on almost everything, how handy!

Well no, it's not


Sigh. I can't begin to imagine what the chatter is like today on x and "truth social." It would probably break my brain.

So glad to have this platform! :blobcatblep:

by FallsMom 🟦 🌻 ;

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