who is your favorite bioware villain, internet
Nora Reed's Post
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who is your favorite bioware villain, internet
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Nora Reed
i will be judging you on your answers
further question iteration: who is your favorite *minor* bioware villain
by Nora Reed ;
@nora I have played several Bioware games, but for some reason can only think of Saren, from Mass Effect.
Minor villian, Liara's mom, same game.
by Longspeak ;
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Hi! I'm Emily!
@nora The cop from Mass Effect. I always want to call him Garrak, but I don't think the ME cop is bisexual
Mentions: @nora@blob.love
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@nora EA
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Krampus 🌰
@nora morag, if that counts
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I haven't seen a list of the past/present CEOs & developer team leaders, so I can't say for sure.
Mentions: @nora@blob.love
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