okay so here's what i am doing:
i viewed the source of this page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_by_common_name
i removed the parts that aren't a list of birds at the top and the bottom and fed them into this tool https://www.browserling.com/tools/extract-urls
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Nora Reed
now i have a list of bird urls. wikipedia uses standard URL formatting so i just did a find and replace for the URL part to remove it, a find and replace for underscores with spaces and a find and replace for %27 to replace it with apostrophes
put that in a google sheet so i have every line in the spreadsheet having the bird name (article title) and then the url. feed that list into https://www.browserling.com/tools/tabs-to-spaces and then feed that into https://delim.co/#
by Nora Reed ;
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