but that's a really high-level description that doesn't go into the details of material choice, metallurgy, testing, etc. which is the really interesting part.
that said, I'm not just interested in the materials science. info on construction techniques, evolution of various attacks and defenses, relocker designs (particularly glass ones, they're cool!), etc. would all be great to read. it's such a fascinating subject area.
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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
apparently there's a whole series of magazines published for the US safecracking industry but like... ugh, I don't want to go find an archive of that and dig through endless marketing and industry news just to find a few small nuggests of interesting information.
oh, I forgot I have a copy of Locks, Safes, and Security. this does have some useful info in it, but it's pretty outdated.
by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;
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