Have you heard of the Te Urewaera Act of 2014? It's a pretty cool law from the Māori that recognized a New Zealand forest as its own legal entity.
"The key principles of the new Act are:
- Te Urewera ceases to be a national park and is vested in itself as its own legal entity; and
- Te Urewera will own itself in perpetuity with the Board to speak as its voice to provide governance and management in accordance with the principles of the Act"
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Derek Caelin is writing a book
I want to find a real-world equivalent to the Ents breaking Isengard.
I am tempted to draw parralels to incidents of eco-sabotage, but the comparison is imperfect. The ents are a nation, for one thing. The fight in Isengard is more of a seige of an army than an incident of monkey-wrenching.
Here's an interesting example of state violence against mining infrastructure.
How Brazil is taking the fight to destructive illegal mining
by Derek Caelin is writing a book ;
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