I want to find a real-world equivalent to the Ents breaking Isengard.
I am tempted to draw parralels to incidents of eco-sabotage, but the comparison is imperfect. The ents are a nation, for one thing. The fight in Isengard is more of a seige of an army than an incident of monkey-wrenching.
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Derek Caelin is writing a book
Here's an interesting example of state violence against mining infrastructure.
How Brazil is taking the fight to destructive illegal mining
I spent much of my early career thinking about peacebuilding. But in this book, I can only reference in a few paragraphs what I spent years trying to learn about nonviolent civil resistance.
It makes sense. It's a book about Tolkien and trees, not arguments on the impact and efficacy of nonviolence.
It just feels like I'm exercising a ghost limb.
by Derek Caelin is writing a book ;
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