Published by Nowhere Girl


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The fluke of Biden's election convinced them they were right, and the Harris campaign was about thumbing their noses at us.

Then reality ensued.

The thing is, they're still white conservatives (or neoliberals, if you prefer) and ambivalent to hostile toward younger, poorer, and marginalized voters and their issues. So they will not recalibrate. They will simply embrace Trump for having "winning politics" and align with Republicans against the rest of us seeing as we're so "unreliable."

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Nowhere Girl

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These Democrats have never wanted to champion social or economic justice and are no doubt happy to wash their hands of us, to no longer even pay lip service on immigration or trans rights. But abortion rights, climate change, and other issues are on the chopping block as well if they're not considered election winners with the white conservative voters they're after.

That is, Democrats are a political dead end and cannot be relied upon to protect us.

The party may eventually split as they continue moving right while failing to capture voters from the GOP, with some switching sides to avoid backlash, but probably not while they monopolize center-left organizing and fundraising and as long as rank and file Democratic voters blindly prop them up, lured by false promises and fear of Trump. It's also unclear if a third party can compete well enough to replace them under those conditions.

But the tiger isn't going to change his stripes.

by Nowhere Girl ;

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