Published by Nowhere Girl


Nowhere Girl's Post

The Democratic Party has floundered in part because it thought the Obama coalition was cheap to buy off in perpetuity -- i.e., they figured token gestures on climate or LBGT+ rights were sufficient to "own" those voting blocs forever, largely because they don't take younger voters and their issues seriously, and they could go back to doing the bidding of wealthy conservatives at no political cost.

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Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

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@gwynnion I think they also just figured we had no choice but to vote for them because the alternative was worse so they didn't even need to bother offering us anything

and well we saw how well that plan worked out

@waitworry @gwynnion There was no choice, and the majority made the wrong one because we've been defunding public schools since Reagan and now nobody knows how anything works

by Reboot Robotnik ;


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Nowhere Girl

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The fluke of Biden's election convinced them they were right, and the Harris campaign was about thumbing their noses at us.

Then reality ensued.

The thing is, they're still white conservatives (or neoliberals, if you prefer) and ambivalent to hostile toward younger, poorer, and marginalized voters and their issues. So they will not recalibrate. They will simply embrace Trump for having "winning politics" and align with Republicans against the rest of us seeing as we're so "unreliable."

These Democrats have never wanted to champion social or economic justice and are no doubt happy to wash their hands of us, to no longer even pay lip service on immigration or trans rights. But abortion rights, climate change, and other issues are on the chopping block as well if they're not considered election winners with the white conservative voters they're after.

That is, Democrats are a political dead end and cannot be relied upon to protect us.

by Nowhere Girl ;

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