Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

I'm increasingly coming to the point where while accepting that the internet offers all sorts of major social advantages, the part of the world wide web that social media occupies is poisoning the well....

Looking back & I wonder if we knew what we know now, whether we would have been so enthusiastic about the expansion of the net into the WWW & the explosion in the scope of social media.

its a Pandora's box that we can no longer shut, I know... but the Q. is: where is the hope?

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@ChrisMayLA6 You see, I think it was known even then. Reading "The Californian Ideology" and "On Totalitarian Interactivity" recently for an episode, I was surprised at how well they captured the current age.

Both were published in 1995.

The trajectory we were on was recognized, even then. We just weren't listening.

(Still aren't, tbh.)

I think hope lies in the absence. With TikTok going down, will that wake people up?


yes, Richard Barbrook was very prescient; when I was writing on open source & IPRs he and I were occasionally on panels together and for a while met up every now & then for a chat - one of good guys!

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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