Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

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@rameshgupta @alexproe

If Reagan's economists where Keynsians, then they were the bastardisation called neo-Keynsianism that was an out growth of neo-classical economics that sought to mimic some of the discourse of Keynsianism with none of the progressive content... just calling yourself a Keynsian (if they did) doesn't;t make you one....

The problems you identify are real, but they are not due to Keynsian economics - that is all about 'effective demand' not enriching the already wealthy!

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Ramesh #NotGoingBack

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⬆️ @ChrisMayLA6

They spun the basic tenet of or Theory:

Per , "Keynesians believe that… fluctuations in ANY component of spending,… [e.g.] investment,… cause output to change. If government spending increases, for example, and all other spending components remain constant, then output will increase".

's connivers substituted "rich" for "government" and claimed the RICH would drive growth by reinvesting money saved in taxes.


@rameshgupta @alexproe

Indeed; classic bait & switch

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;

Tags: #keynsian #keynesian #imf #reagan


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