GTY_VCC came up fine. GTY_VCCAUX not so, it's floating to a leakage voltage but the regulator isn't coming up.
This is a little LDO with an N-channel MOSFET as an inverting level shifter driving the enable. Solder paste print on the FET wasn't great, so reworking that will be the first step in troubleshooting.
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Andrew Zonenberg
Or wait. No, it's fed from the 3V3 rail.
So I need to bring that up first. Derp.
3V3 and GTY_VTT came up fine.
So now GTY_VCCAUX is the last rail that's not coming up.
Resoldered the FET and that didn't fix the issue. Rail isn't even moving when I try to enable it, so that suggests something is up with the enable circuit rather than the rail being shorted.
by Andrew Zonenberg ;
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