Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

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trans lesbian who watches too much anime may have occasional extreme political take

Claire, The Ultimate Worrier's Posts

Claire, The Ultimate Worrier has 165 posts.

Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

the date method that has the least ambiguity is the Japanese one where you have kanji to indicate the year month and day and we should just all adopt that




kanji to indicate the day of the week is optional I don't expect anyone to learn which day is water day or which day is metal day

I honestly forget most of the time

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Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

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re: uspol

@astrid hopefully they just kill each other off before then

lots of backstabbing maybe a red wedding or two

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Vojtěch Horký

Claire, The Ultimate Worrier Boosted

TIL that in the UK the police encourage preventing crime by making places so miserable, nobody will want to go there in the first place.

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Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

@babe my experience with bunnies has been they're assholes but it is okay because they are very soft and cute

sort of like cats but a different kind of being an asshole

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Claire, The Ultimate Worrier

@jasmine @nicolexyz that's fucked up

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