Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass's Information

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass's Bio

'Un nido di memorie' from a colicky he/him

Orig.acct nuked by Zionists(like Beirut)

Tooting from a pruned sensibility for the moment, I must refocus in lieu of new realities

Always anti fascist, anti racist, anti capitalist, anti patriarchy/oligarchy/colonialism

Going on 14 minutes of totality. If blessed, I will be in the hours club when the eclipse comes back to Turtle Island

Aspire to Maronite priest, after marriage ofc.


Eli Wallach's favorite Bass's Posts

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass has 12 posts.

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

Hello non USA folks

If you are interested in a polyglot opera singer in your community and know of a position in hospitality, caregiving, arts, education, environmental activity, farming, or of course voice related, please let me know

I do not feel safe here; give good value; and need to get out.

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

I think that my secret superpower is locating all future impasses before anyone else

Making me a pariah

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@TheGreatLlama @burnoutqueen @OGjester

Will take it a step further and say it was when Reagan threw his hat in the race for governor in 66 (after promising my grandfather he wouldn't)

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@ai6yr @_L1vY_ there is a whole probationary level of the characters, the seasonal employees, and then they can be hired permanent.

Permanent is or either then becomes eligible for union, but it takes awhile and is very cliquey

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@AnarchoNinaWrites it's a better reason than most of mine, but I won't allow myself to do more than 12 for a few minutes, just to read an article, if I'm already at twelve

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

Now that I'm doing all this work removing certain junk from my diet and improving the overall character, (lots of local organic fresh) raw rice in the am, my energy is such that my dishes are done each pm

I'm walking ray with more planning and less procrastinating/guilt

And basically all my ibs symptoms are gone.

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@AnarchoNinaWrites and simultaneously the number of traits each share with Obama, for that matter

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@AnarchoNinaWrites @BetaCuck4Lyfe

Yes, that character is something else

I don't even remember if I saw it

But I remember the look

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@AnarchoNinaWrites @BetaCuck4Lyfe pretty sure I know who it is just by description.....

That combdown with the hair tips doing that uniform curl under?

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@punishmenthurts that too

But a wide net is vital methinks

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

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And vote!! Even if it is only vibe

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Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

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And vote!! Even if it is only vibe

by Eli Wallach's favorite Bass ;

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