Ali Velshi
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Host, “Velshi”, Sat/Sun 10a-12pET, "The Last Word" Fri 10pET. MSNBC Using a non-work device, securely Signal me +1-917-669-2548 or
Ali Velshi's Posts
Ali Velshi has 2 posts.
Ali Velshi
You can’t ban ‘Fahrenheit 451’ without making Ray Bradbury’s warning come true - when the freedom to read is attacked, we lose our ability to think critically and challenge the status quo. Join me at 11a w/ Lois Lowry for the latest #VelshiBannedBookClub featuring the dystopian classic. #Velshi
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Ali Velshi
Israel’s military offensive in Gaza has inflicted significant damage on Hamas but appears a long way from the death blow Israeli leaders vowed to deliver.
This forever war is going to be taxing and costly. Perpetually on our minds and polluting every generation. Israel demands preferential treatment and will take nothing less at any cost.
Why are Palestinians, uprooted from their homes, the bad people? When the Jewish were driven from the region, some ages ago, did they think they would return to do the same ethic cleansing to another people?
#Israel #Palestine #TaxPayerMoney #BDSMovement #MakePeaceNotWar #NoForeverWars
by :coffefied: Bennett S. :mstdn: ;
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