Cleo of Topless Topics
Contacting Cleo of Topless Topics
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Cleo of Topless Topics's Information
Cleo of Topless Topics's Bio
My gaming channel/stream: CeriGotGame
My feminism/queer/other progressive values activism channel: ToplessTopics
Hiya! I'm a content creator who focuses on covering a wide variety of subjects, from progressive politics to parenting, gaming to arts and crafts, and I do it all from the perspective of "normalizing female toplessness through repeat exposure". Basically, providing an example of how a woman can be topless WITHOUT it automatically being considered "pornographic."
Cleo of Topless Topics's Posts
Cleo of Topless Topics has 1 posts.
Cleo of Topless Topics
Still so excited I might actually score an interview with a (semi) famous person who ISN'T a cis male nudist or a sex worker 🤩
(not hating on cis male nudists or sex workers, it's just that those have been the only people willing to let me interview them so far and it just sucks to be pidgeonholed because my focus is topless equality into only doing interviews with people who are already used to showing off their bodies)
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