Tim Bray

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Tim Bray's Information

Tim Bray's Bio

Web geek and environmentalist with a camera at the bottom left corner of Canada. He/him.

These posts are coming from a member-owned cooperative: cosocial.info

My posts are searchable and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, see creativecommons.org/licenses/b

Tim Bray's Posts

Tim Bray has 2 posts.


Tim Bray

- Hyperoverprivileged straight cis white greybearded neurotypical male, living in Vancouver with loved ones.

Proud member of , a member-owned co-op Fediverse instance.

I’m old.

I can’t not write, as evidenced by the 2+ million blogwords at tbray.org/ongoing - also I was “timbray” on Twitter starting in 2007 but stepped away 2022/11/27.

Tl;dr: Geek, photohobbyist, and environmentalist. For details, type my name into your favorite Web search, I’m overly public.

Tags: #introduction #cosocialca

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Tim Bray

In response to this post

@farah Pick the one with the fewest followers?

@timbray That is actually very helpful advice! Thanks

by Fraulein Chimichanga 🖖🏼 ;

Mentions: @farah@beige.party

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Tim Bray

- Hyperoverprivileged straight cis white greybearded neurotypical male, living in Vancouver with loved ones.

Proud member of , a member-owned co-op Fediverse instance.

I’m old.

I can’t not write, as evidenced by the 2+ million blogwords at tbray.org/ongoing - also I was “timbray” on Twitter starting in 2007 but stepped away 2022/11/27.

Tl;dr: Geek, photohobbyist, and environmentalist. For details, type my name into your favorite Web search, I’m overly public.

Tags: #introduction #cosocialca

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Boosts: 0