
thibaultamartin's pfp

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Thib's Bio

Chronic enthusiast. Software should be about making people's lives better.
Broken English, existential crises, and dad jokes.

Thib's Posts

Thib has 1 posts.


I am European. I am horrified by the direction the world is taking. I feel powerless against a class that crushes the world to serve its own interests.

Today I joined a union.

Not because I’m at odds with my employer. They’re treating me well.

I’m joining a union because we need class solidarity. I’m joining a union to protect and rebuild public services. I’m joining a union because democracy is more than voting for representatives.

@thibaultamartin several times in my working life I was in very difficult situations. Only the union helped. They were wonderful. Great move.

by Andrew Jennings ;

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