Sebastian Lasse

sl007's pfp

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Sebastian Lasse's Bio

Open Protocols Advocate, photojournalist, filmmaker and developer. Currently building a decentralized ActivityPub FLOSS CMS.

Meine Hobbies sind Fotografieren, Tennis und Antifa.
Manchmal mache ich Aufschläge von unten.

Sebastian Lasse's Posts

Sebastian Lasse has 3 posts.


Sebastian Lasse

20 years of trauma …

We met Chitravadivel Rajeswari in the General Hospital of Batticaloa.

The Tidal waves in Sri Lanka were up to 12 metres high and Chitravadivel survived them by climbing up a tree and clutching it for hours.
After the waves flooded the area she had just one goal: Helping in the hospital where she works as an assisting nurse.
Normally she would go by bike but now there was no bike, there was just water.

After 3 days we visited her again, she was totally exhausted. 💖 Chitravadivel did not spent a second to think about herself or her own property.
It was a very strange feeling but the only feeling I had at this minute was that anyone now needs a bit of time to care for themselves.
We tried to find her home which was a nice house. It was made out of stones and built by the best intentions of what a community can build.

This was the moment when we found the house.

🧵 to be continued

Tags: #tsunami #stern #geo #srilanka

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Sebastian Lasse

Esteemed 💖

all the nice videos from popped up in the peertube channel.

Our Talk on the Why and How of is

An hour is incredible short, we should maybe demo the protocol on a large table rather in an expo space next year (?)

You can view all videos at the channell page

Tags: #fediverse #pubconf24 #activitypub #publicspaces

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Sebastian Lasse

In response to this post

computertruhe ist z.B. in Lemgo.
computertruhe ist hier sehr aktiv.

@sl007 Ich kenne die @computertruhe, sie sind eine sehr tolle Organisation! Sie sind meines Wissens nach jedoch bereits sehr überlastet und fokussieren sich auf Bedürftige hier vor Ort. Das ganze International zu machen ist glaube Ich nicht der richtige Weg.

by Erik Uden 🍑 ;


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Sebastian Lasse

20 years of trauma …

We met Chitravadivel Rajeswari in the General Hospital of Batticaloa.

The Tidal waves in Sri Lanka were up to 12 metres high and Chitravadivel survived them by climbing up a tree and clutching it for hours.
After the waves flooded the area she had just one goal: Helping in the hospital where she works as an assisting nurse.
Normally she would go by bike but now there was no bike, there was just water.

After 3 days we visited her again, she was totally exhausted. 💖 Chitravadivel did not spent a second to think about herself or her own property.
It was a very strange feeling but the only feeling I had at this minute was that anyone now needs a bit of time to care for themselves.
We tried to find her home which was a nice house. It was made out of stones and built by the best intentions of what a community can build.

This was the moment when we found the house.

🧵 to be continued

Tags: #tsunami #stern #geo #srilanka

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Sebastian Lasse

Esteemed 💖

all the nice videos from popped up in the peertube channel.

Our Talk on the Why and How of is

An hour is incredible short, we should maybe demo the protocol on a large table rather in an expo space next year (?)

You can view all videos at the channell page

Tags: #fediverse #pubconf24 #activitypub #publicspaces

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