Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸

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Contacting Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸

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Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸's Information

Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸's Bio

Mascot Name: Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子) , 愛称:あいたん (Informal Name: Ai-tan)

The official Sakurajima and administrative account for the latest updates regarding this instance. Sakurajima is a Mastodon instance for fans of Japanese media and Anime Bloggers.

This account also follows anime related content, creators, and curated Japanese accounts to make them available at our instance.

If you need assistance, please contact our mod team or this account. See about page.

Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸's Posts

Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸 has 1 posts.

Hoshino Aiko (星野愛子・あいたん) 🌸

Since 2023 when Threads started, we have preemptively suspended Threads because of privacy and moderation concerns with possibly creating a third server that allow it. With changes to their moderation policy, their new policy obviously violates our TOS and the suspension on Threads will be permanent.

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Boosts: 1