Rachel Hope Cleves

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Rachel Hope Cleves's Bio

Well-fed historian. Author of UNSPEAKABLE; CHARITY AND SYLVIA: and REIGN OF TERROR IN AMERICA. One half of @RASinn, author of A SECOND CHANCE FOR YESTERDAY coming out in summer 2023. Working on histories of food and sex from the 18th century to the present day. Professor at University of Victoria in British Columbia. If you like old book covers check me out at @BookJacketJackpot

Rachel Hope Cleves's Posts

Rachel Hope Cleves has 1 posts.


Rachel Hope Cleves

New server, new

I'm a historian of food and sex, and the author of THE REIGN OF TERROR IN AMERICA (2009), CHARITY AND SYLVIA (2014), and UNSPEAKABLE (2020). I teach at the University of Victoria

I also write fiction. My first novel, A SECOND CHANCE FOR YESTERDAY, co-authored with my brother @aramsinn is coming out in August 2023. Find us at @RASinn

I post about books, primary sources, local scenery and food.

Tags: #introduction #histodons #foodhistory #histsex #bookstadons #yyj #vancouverisland

Mentions: @aramsinn@mastodon.social @RASinn@zirk.us

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Rachel Hope Cleves

New server, new

I'm a historian of food and sex, and the author of THE REIGN OF TERROR IN AMERICA (2009), CHARITY AND SYLVIA (2014), and UNSPEAKABLE (2020). I teach at the University of Victoria

I also write fiction. My first novel, A SECOND CHANCE FOR YESTERDAY, co-authored with my brother @aramsinn is coming out in August 2023. Find us at @RASinn

I post about books, primary sources, local scenery and food.

Tags: #introduction #histodons #foodhistory #histsex #bookstadons #yyj #vancouverisland

Mentions: @aramsinn@mastodon.social @RASinn@zirk.us

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