Proletarian Rage
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Neither Proletarians - Nor Bosses
Toots on the ongoing #ClassWar
Historically, national-socialism is against working class. Keep it, you never know.
Gegen nazis and their modern face, neoliberals, including zionists.
Proletarian Rage's Posts
Proletarian Rage has 2 posts.
Proletarian Rage
"My name is Amos Goldberg. I'm an Israeli professor of #Holocaust studies. For almost 30 years I have researched and taught the Holocaust, genocide, and state violence, and I want to tell whoever is willing to listen that what is happening now in #Gaza is a #genocide."
Location: Parliament Square, London
via @dbattistella
Tags: #holocaust #gaza #genocide
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Boosts: 1
Proletarian Rage
In this thread prof. Julia Steinberger explains why we do not have to consider #genocide exceptional or abnormal, in order to act to counter it. via
(Check out the connection with the previous article)
#zionism #zioNaZis #IsraelWarCrimes #warcrimes #Gaza #WestComplicity #CapitalismIsADeathCult
"My name is Amos Goldberg. I'm an Israeli professor of #Holocaust studies. For almost 30 years I have researched and taught the Holocaust, genocide, and state violence, and I want to tell whoever is willing to listen that what is happening now in #Gaza is a #genocide."
Location: Parliament Square, London
via @dbattistella
by Proletarian Rage ;
Tags: #genocide #zionism #zioNaZis #IsraelWarCrimes #warcrimes #gaza #westcomplicity #CapitalismIsADeathCult
Likes: 0
Replies: 1
Boosts: 0