
pedroleitao's pfp

Contacting '|

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'|'s Information

web children of my own


healthy addictions


what I'm listening to occasionally


place for random photos


'|'s Bio

Proudly 2.6% North-African descent on my mother's side. 50% gardener on my cat's side. 100% father on my kids' side.

Founder of mono:cromatica, test tube and Impulsive Habitat music labels, record collector, music curator and dj (very rare and underpaid appearances). Adventure cyclist on his increasingly scarce spare time. AKA aeriolabehaviour when shooting photos or designing stuff.

'|'s Posts

'| has 1 posts.


In response to this post

@ErikUden of course he was.

Mentions: @ErikUden@mastodon.de

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